For authors with manuscripts that need professional publishing!


I wrote my book, but am confused about what happens next.” 

You’ve spent months creating the book you are proud of, but now all of the platforms to actually get that book published seem overwhelming. 

I clicked around for hours yesterday and still don’t know if I am doing it right.” 

You created an account on one of the top book publishing website, but are frustrated by the questions and details that need to be added. 

I just don’t have the time to figure this out?”

Your time is valuable, do you need to spend it learning how to upload your book correctly, or can you delegate those tasks to someone else who can easily do it for you? 


What if…

What if you had someone come along side you to expertly handle the many details of publishing your book. What if you had a trusted professional in the industry who could help:

  • Create all of your accounts so that you can maximize your book’s distribution.
  • Navigate each publishing platform perfectly, saving you hours of time, and ensuring you get paid on time.
  • You create a landing page for capturing emails and growing your list.
  • Craft emails for your Advanced Reader Team (ART) to get people engaged and excited to help you launch your book.
  • Coach you through your next steps as a published author.
  • Empower you to launch your book with a marketing plan in hand.

Now you do!

How Does It Work?

  • You select the package, below, that best suits your desired outcomes and goals.
  • We discuss your book project and get you on the calendar.
  • Our team takes care of the details and your book “auto-Magically” gets published on time and without stress!

Basic Author

Account Setup for:

  • Amazon’s KDP
  • Draft2Digital, and
  • IngramSpark.
  • Includes publishing.



Advanced Author

Account Setup for:

  • Amazon’s KDP
  • Draft2Digital, and
  • IngramSpark
  • BookFunnel (for your Advanced Reader Team)
  • Includes publishing.

We also provide:

  • A short, personalized Advanced Reader Team Email Sequence
  • Website Landing Page copy and instructions (including email integration suggestions)



Elite Author

Account Setup for:

  • Amazon’s KDP
  • Draft2Digital, and
  • IngramSpark
  • BookFunnel (for your Advanced Reader Team)
  • Includes publishing.

We also provide:

  • A full, personalized Advanced Reader Team Email Sequence
  • Website Landing Page copy and instructions (including email integration suggestions)
  • Book pricing advice and manipulation for the pre-launch weekend and launch of the book
  • Two 30-minute coaching and Q&A sessions
  • Review of your manuscript, post-formatting (so it is professional and polished)
  • Three page Book Marketing Action Plan (Book MAP), as found in Honoree Corder’s You Must Market Your Book

BONUS: Access to Book Marketing Mastery, Honoree Corder’s Course. Value: $999 value plus over $29k in tools and usable assets.



Why should I self-publish?

Self-publishing allows you full control over your manuscript. You are able to take your completed manuscript files and upload them to places that allow you to print on demand (like Kindle Direct Publishing) for individual sales, print on demand for bulk orders (thank you, IngramSpark), as well as reach a larger audience base digitally with Draft2Digital. You retain complete rights to your work. You enjoy the royalties after paying only the designated processing fees from each distribution site that was used. You do not need to bulk buy books and keep them stored in your closet. You do not need to split royalties, compromise the integrity of your manuscript, or even edit out parts that you felt strongly about. You maintain full control every step of the way.

What is the self-publishing process?

First, you select the package that best suits your needs. You’ll receive an email confirming your Author Publishing Services engagement with questions for you to answer. Once a month for services to occur has been confirmed, you’ll receive your Author Publishing Services Checklist to fill out prior to our live Zoom. On that Zoom, your accounts will be set up (while you watch!) within the retail platforms you requested in your package selection. Next, you relax knowing your book is in good hands and you can focus on your book launch! Anything else that needs to be done will be done behind the scenes, which means your manuscript will be “auto-Magically” publish while you focus on other important matters.

What exactly is a distribution service?

Distribution services are companies that distributed your book to a wide variety of online bookstores, retailers, digital ebook platforms, libraries, and more.

Are there additional costs involved with self-publishing my book?

Yes. Outside of our services, and prior to our work together, you’ll need to have your book edited and proofread, a cover suite designed for your different book versions (front cover for ebook, full cover for each version of your paperback [one each for Amazon and Ingram], square cover for your audiobook, plus an ePub for your ebook and print-ready PDF for physical versions).

You will also need ISBN numbers, one for each version of your book (ebook, paperback, and, if desired, hard cover).

Depending on your launch and long-term marketing strategy, there could also be additional costs for your website, BookFunnel, email marketing, and any promotional campaigns.

You’ll want to look at Honorée’s courses: Publishing PhD, Book Marketing Mastery, and Building a Million Dollar Book Business.

Do you provide editing, cover design, and/or formatting services?

No. Our services begin after you have your full manuscript fully formatted in the formats described above.

Do you have editors, proofreaders, and graphic designers that you can recommend?

Yes, we can definitely refer you to team members. Our preferred service providers are listed in Honorée’s courses, and you can email her at
Honoree [@] for specific recommendations.

How long does the self-publishing process take?

Once we begin our work together, most projects are completed within 30 days of the official “start” date. It’s important to note that each distribution company (Kindle Direct Publishing, IngramSpark and Draft2Digital) all have a review and approval process for each manuscript. The manuscript on one distribution site could be approved immediately, while another takes five days (and sometimes longer). While there is no hard-and-fast timeline, we recommend you engage with us with at least two to three weeks in advance of your publication date to allow for any delays. Additionally, sometimes files come back with errors, and you’ll need to get corrections made by your designer. Once adjustments are made and the corrected files are received by our team, you can expect them to be uploaded to the distribution site(s) within 48 hours. We will upload up to two additional sets of files per platform without assessing an additional flat fee of $100 per platform.

What if I’ve already created some accounts?

If you’ve already started the process, we will conduct an account audit to ensure everything is correct. If it is, a discount may be applied to the package you are requesting. Email me at Honoree at to discuss this further.

What genres can you help with?

These Author Services Packages will work for all genres, in both fiction and non-fiction.

What do I need to have prepared in order to get started?

A Checklist will be emailed to you that will let you know all of the important, confidential information needed, including your book files. When your Checklist is complete, we’ll be ready to get started!

Do you offer any additional services?

There is a list of add-on services available upon request to help you launch and monetize your book.

What distribution channels will you help with?

Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing, IngramSpark, Draft2Digital, and at an additional fee, BookFunnel. While creating your BookFunnel account and uploading your files is included in the Advanced and Elite Author packages, the platform is an additional cost. You can check it out here.

Do you offer marketing and promotional services?

The Elite Package includes a small Marketing Action Plan as well as access to Honorée Corder’s Book Marketing Mastery Course, ($999 value plus over $29k in assets). We do not offer promotional services.

Will I retain the rights to my book?

You retain full rights to your book when you self-publish!

If I selected the package that has you review my manuscript, what can I expect? You want to publish a clean, virtually perfect book. To help ensure your book meets the highest standard and will be the best it can be, Honorée Corder or a trained publishing consultant will conduct one review of your formatted manuscript in printed or proof format. Your book will be returned to you with suggested corrections within two weeks (unless otherwise noted). Corrections are your responsibility and must take place at your cost. Once your files have been corrected, they’ll be used for your final publication.

Do you offer any support after publication?

When you’re ready to publish your next book, reach out. You can also check out Honoree Corder’s Building a Million Dollar Book Business Course to help you take your authority to the next level, design and build income streams, and expand your book business empire!

Do you have a contract or terms of agreement for these services?

Yes! When you click on the service package you would like to select, it will take you to another page where you’ll provide some details, including your name, email address, book title, and your requested month for publishing services. Then you will need to check the box that is next to the terms of agreement AFTER you’ve read them!

How do you handle confidential information?

We value the trust you’ve placed in us, and our position in the marketplace is above reproach—and we take it seriously! Your security and our reputation go hand-in-hand. The confidential information that is needed can be verbally provided and entered into the distribution retail sites (this helps you get paid), all while you are watching via Zoom. We won’t retain any of the information beyond our Zoom meeting and you can change your login as soon as we’ve finished all of your uploads.

Thanks for reading! We look forward to serving you and your book project. If you have any additional questions, email Honorée directly at Honoree [at]

What are people saying?

“Honorée and her team helped eliminate the overwhelm that would probably have prevented me from publishing my book!”


“Honorée built my confidence to keep making progress with her enthusiasm, professionalism and accountability.”


“Don’t be stupid! Beg, borrow, or steal the money to hire Honorée. You can thank me later.”